What types of books do Regium and Omode Meta publish?
Regium and Omode Meta accept submissions in the following categories:
Regium: General and literary fiction, creative non-fiction, historical fiction, and children’s books. They do not consider poetry, religion, or educational/academic books.
Omode Meta: Children’s books and young adult fiction.
What do I need to submit?
If you submit a manuscript, please include three sample chapters, a plot synopsis, and a short author biography.
What does ‘unsolicited manuscript’ mean?
An unsolicited manuscript is sent to a publisher without the publisher explicitly requesting or announcing a submission window.
Who can I consult if I have general inquiries about publishing with Parrésia Publishers?
For general inquiries, you can send an email to info@parresia.com.ng or call +2348154582178.
Do I need a literary agent?
No, you do not need a literary agent to have your work considered by Parrésia Publishers Ltd.
Do you publish authors who are not living in Nigeria?
Yes, Parrésia Publishers Ltd considers submissions from authors residing outside of Nigeria.
What does Parrésia Publishers Ltd look for in a manuscript?
Parrésia Publishers Ltd seeks to publish books that Nigerians will accept, focusing on originality, high writing standards, and market appeal.
Is it necessary to have my book edited before I submit it for evaluation?
While it is not mandatory, having a polished manuscript increases the likelihood of selection. If accepted, the manuscript will undergo an in-house editorial process before publication.
Do I have to finish writing my book before I submit it to Parrésia Publishers?
No, but you should have completed at least three chapters and have a synopsis.
Your guidelines stipulate that you need the book’s first three chapters, but some of my best chapters are later in the book. Can I send these instead?
It is important to send the early chapters for the publisher to follow the manuscript’s progression. However, you can also include a later chapter if you wish. Please do not send the entire manuscript.
I have written a children’s book but do not have an illustrator. Is it necessary to have the book illustrated before I submit it?
No, Parrésia Publishers will review the text on its merits. If deemed appropriate, they will commission a suitable illustrator.
Your guidelines stipulate that you need the book’s first three chapters, but some of my best chapters are later in the book. Can I send these instead?
It is important to send the early chapters for the publisher to follow the manuscript’s progression. However, you can also include a later chapter if you wish. Please do not send the entire manuscript.
I’ve self-published my book already. Can I submit it to Parrésia Publishers?
Previously self-published manuscripts will only be accepted for self-publishing under the Origami imprint.
What sort of information should I include in my introductory letter?
Your introductory letter should include relevant information about the submitted material, such as a brief author biography and why you wrote the book.
How long should my synopsis be?
The synopsis should explain the entire book’s plot and can be as short as a few paragraphs but preferably not longer than one typed page.
How long should my manuscript be?
The length of a manuscript varies, but as a guideline, full-length adult fiction/non-fiction works should be between 35,000 and 100,000 words.
How do I ensure my copyright is protected when sending my manuscript?
According to copyright law, your work is protected without using the © symbol. Copyright can only be assigned to another party in writing.
How will I know if my manuscript has been received by Parrésia Publishers?
If you send your manuscript via email, you will receive a response acknowledging the receipt of your email.
How should I format my manuscript for submission?
Spacing: 1.5 or 2.0 spacing, Font: Times New Roman. Font size: 12. Numbered pages and proper paragraphing. Manuscripts sent via email should be attached as Microsoft Word documents or PDFs.
If I’m still waiting for an answer from Parrésia Publishers, can I send my manuscript to other publishers?
You can submit your manuscript to other publishers simultaneously until you receive an offer and sign a Publishing Agreement.
How long should I expect to wait for an answer to my proposal?
The evaluation time for manuscripts varies, usually taking 4-6 months before any feedback can be provided. The duration depends on factors such as the submission date, time of year, and the number of manuscripts being evaluated.
How will I know if my work has been rejected?
Parrésia Publishers will inform you if your work has been rejected. If you have not received a response, your work is still under evaluation.
If my manuscript is accepted for publication, will I need to pay Parrésia Publishers to print it?
No, if your book is accepted for publication under Regium, Cordite, or Omode Meta, you will not need to pay for printing. However, if accepted for self-publishing under the Origami imprint, there may be costs involved.
If my manuscript is accepted for publication, how will I be paid?
Authors receive royalties as a percentage of the net revenue from book sales based on the number of copies sold.
What happens if my book is accepted for publication?
If your manuscript is selected for publication, Parrésia Publishers will make you an offer based on the book’s sales potential in their market. If you accept the offer, a publishing contract will be drawn up, outlining the rights, obligations, and royalty payments. The manuscript will then proceed through the production process.
Who can I consult for inquiries about Parrésia’s published titles?
For inquiries about Parrésia-published titles, you can send an email to orders@parresia.com.ng.
Contact Information:
Address: 1st Floor, Ibilola Nelson House, 82 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Phone: 08154582178
Email: info@parresia.com.ng